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单词 相关话题


名词 学科:maths(数学)、Chinese(语文)、English(英语)、science(科学)职业:teacher(老师)、doctor(医生)、driver(司机)、nurse(护士)交通工具:car(汽车)、bus(公共汽车)、bike(自行车)、train(火车)场所:park(公园)、zoo(动物园)、library(图书馆)、cinema(电影院) 动词 行为动作:play(玩)、study(学习)、work(工作)、rest(休息)变化动作:grow(生长)、become(
名词 学科拓展:history(历史)、geography(地理)、physics(物理)、chemistry(化学)兴趣爱好:hobby(爱好)、collecting(收集)、painting(绘画)、dancing(舞蹈)身体部位:shoulder(肩膀)、elbow(手肘)、knee(膝盖)、ankle(脚踝)场所拓展:museum(博物馆)、theater(剧院)、supermarket(超市)、hospital(医院) 动词 交流动作:discuss(讨论)、argue(争论)、ex
declare [dɪˈkleə(r)] v. 公布,宣布;宣称(……为事实),表明(态度、意图等);申报(应纳税物品、收入等) 例句 “Play is not frivolous,” the academy’s report declares.【2018-8《洛杉矶时报》】该学院的报告宣称,“玩耍并非没有用处”。 考点 to declare sex discrimination in jury selection to be unconstitutional 宣布陪审员遴选中的性别歧视为违宪
setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. 位置,环境;(小说、电影、戏剧等的)情节背景;(机器的)调控装置 例句 A follow-up study brought 225 mothers and their approximately 6-year-old children into a familiar setting and videotaped their interactions as each parent and child were given foods to try.【201
abstract [ˈæbstrækt] Aadj. 抽象的;纯概念的 ② n. 摘要,概要 [æbˈstrækt] v. 写……的摘要;提取,使分离 例句 To qualify for inclusion in SCOPUS, a journal published in a language other than English must at the very least include English abstracts; of the more than 21,000 article
rely [rɪˈlaɪ] v. 依赖168股票配资,依靠(on);信赖,信任(on) 例句 Publishers have long considered Facebook a kind of frenemy—increasingly relying on the social network to spread their stories but often wary of depending too much on one medium to reach an audience. 【20
risk [rɪsk] ① n. 风险配资资讯宝app,危险;潜在危险,隐患 ② v. 使遭受危险;冒……的风险(或危险);冒险做 例句 California judges who are subject to election and recall might not want to risk releasing the wrong person.【2018-9《华盛顿邮报》】 受选举和罢免制约的加利福尼亚州法官们可能不愿冒放错人的风险。 考点 to insure yourself agai
successive [səkˈsesɪv] adj. 连续的;相继的 例句 The Stanford researchers’experiment hints (but doesn’t confirm) that this low diversity could be a lasting legacy of industrialization, in which successive generations of low-fiber meals have led to the loss of
necessary [ˈnesəs(ə)ri] ① adj. 必要的,必需的,必不可少的;必然的股指期权杠杆是多少倍,不可避免的 ② n. [necessaries] 生活必需品 考点 the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger 用来消除饥饿的各种必备农业技术工具【2013 英语(一)新题型】 派生 necessity [nəˈsesəti] n. 必要股指期权杠杆是多少倍,需要;必需的事物,必需品;必然性,不可避免的情
autonomous [ɔːˈtɒnəməs] adj.(地方或机构)自治的;有自主能力的股票质押融资流程 例句 BlackBerry is entering a highly competitive f ield, with some of the world’s biggest tech companies investing in autonomous-vehicle research. 【2017-12《华尔街日报》】 一些世界科技巨头公司都投入了自动驾驶汽车的研发,黑莓公司也正在迈进

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